6. Programmatic Interfaces for the automation of routine and sophisticated connectivity tasks.

All of the X-Direct emulators support a variety of application programmatic interfaces (API's). They can be used in combination, or individually, to automate routine tasks and even build customized front ends for applications. These powerful interfaces are broken down into three functional areas -

The X-Direct Emulator High Level Language API allows UNIX C programs to interact with 3278 terminal sessions. A program using X-Direct EHLLAPI can initiate host sessions for file transfer, database query, programmatic data copy between mainframe sessions, or to monitor mainframe performance and activity. EHLLAPI programs allow repetitive or complex tasks to be easily automated and run entirely without human intervention.

The X-Direct GoScript is an interpreted language that provides an easy and flexible interface to automate UNIX-to-mainframe and UNIX-to-UNIX access. This simple and powerful scripting language can perform any 3270 command sequence in addition to executing IND$FILE and FTP commands for file transfer between systems. Many built-in functions provide complete access to UNIX environments and give a GoScript all of the capability of a EHLLAPI C program without the need to write a program in C.

The X-Direct LU0 API allows for UNIX and mainframe programmers to exchange terminal, printing, and programmatic data using LU0. LU0 is a general purpose LU that can be customized for many types of data exchanges. In large organizations, LU0 is a preferred method for a variety of interfaces to host applications. Application interfaces built using LU0 can minimize network traffic and allow network administrators to standardize their mainframe host access interfaces.

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